The aspect of CSUC I value most is fellowship during "passing of the Peace" on Sunday services and coffee time immediately after church. I feel accepted and valued by the congregation. Throughout my childhood and early adulthood I'd been dismissed, bullied, and taken advantage of. Church is a safe-house for me, breaking down that dislike of interacting with people.
Participation in the CSUC community helps build up my confidence and encourages me to strive for spiritual growth. Church groups are so welcoming with a ready sense of humour. They also share their insights from past experiences and gracefully rally others to take the high road when faced with difficult decisions. Great role-models!
Paula Reynolds
The aspect of CSUC that I value most is how I am treated as an individual. I have gifts and talents that " I " prefer to explore. Here at CSUC I am encouraged to do so. Christ said we are all the same yet different. At CSUC I can celebrate "my" differences but still be understood and accepted.
My participation in the community of CSUC helps me to become a better person. Through sharing in: committees, prayer groups, and choir, I meet individuals of different ages and interests. All of us participating in our church community; all of us helping each other in the best way that we can; all of us becoming better people, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Tim Reynolds
The aspect of CSUC that I value the most is our church family. When Paula and I retired back to St. John’s after being away for almost 40 years we tried several United Churches. We felt most at home at Cochrane Street. From the after worship coffee and tea time to the fellowship of the men’s club it seems that I was never away. Our church family remains a warm, welcoming and encouraging component of our church and community life.
My participation in the community of CSUC helps me to share my talents with our congregation as we endeavor to carry out our various local ministries of faith and social justice in our neighborhood and local community.
Stephen Jewczyk
The aspect of CSUC that I value most is the strong sense of purpose and mission of the congregation. Serving the community, taking bold and courageous action, travelling in faith in uncharted waters, and inviting all to come together as a nurturing, inclusive and supportive family serve as pillars of this purpose and mission making CSUC a special place.
My participation in the community of CSUC helps me realize the collective possibility of goodness and positive change in a challenging world. It provides a place to be inspired and reflect on the important matters of the heart and mind and what can be achieved by placing your faith in God.
Linda Facey
What I value most about Cochrane Street is our care and concern for helping people who are vulnerable and need help both financially and spiritually. We are more like an extended family than a Congregation. My participation helps me to realize the need for helping people and that a lot of people suffer in silence and poverty.
Bill Evans
The aspect of Cochrane Street United Church that I value most is the the sense of community. Everyone contributes to making CSUC a great place of worship and fellowship. That sense of community gives me a feeling of faith and hope.
My participation in the community of Cochrane Street United Church helps me meet new and existing members and foster friendships within the church. CSUC offers a safe place to express your faith without judgement. I have met so many good people at CSUC as I continue to grow spiritually and share wonderful experiences through Men's Club, Community BBQ's, Sunday teatime and Executive Council.